Keep in mind exhortation, gratitude and endeavour, Good work and good success - the 22nd Tianjin Social Science Popularization Week was held in our school

Source: Scientific Research Office  Author: Zhang Yang Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-05-16 Views:

在全市上下兴起深入学习贯彻习近平总书记视察天津重要讲话精神之际,5月16日上午,由市委宣传部、市社科联、欧洲杯哪里可以网投共同主办的第二十二届天津市社会科学普及周主场活动在科学会堂举行。Shen Lei, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Committee, Xue Jinwen, former vice chairman of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Municipal Federation of Social Sciences attended the meeting。Zhang Ya, secretary of the Party Committee of the University, attended and delivered a speech, and Ge Baozhen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of the university, attended and jointly launched the 22nd Tianjin Social Science Popularization Week with the participating leaders。More than 200 people from the propaganda Department of the district Party Committee, relevant colleges and universities, social science popularization bases, social science social organizations, experts and scholars representatives, and college student lecturers participated。

Launching ceremony

University Party Secretary Zhang Ya delivered a speech

The home activities organized the docent of the science popularization base to give a live lecture around the excellent traditional Chinese culture, community theory, and Chinese time-honored brand, awarded the new social science popularization base, and presented the science popularization books "inexhaustible Tianjin Wei" to the representatives of the science popularization lecturers。Organize the participants to visit the publicity exhibition of Tianjin Social Science Popularization Base and the publicity exhibition of Chinese time-honored brand of Tianjin University of Commerce,Experience the actual results of the Social Science Popularization base of "spreading the Party's voice, telling the Tianjin story well, popularizing social science knowledge, and promoting the new style of civilization",Experience that Chinese time-honored brands have seized development opportunities in recent years,Be full of vitality,Show charm with strength,The journey of building blocks for brand power。

Grant a license to a new social science popularization base

Present popular science books to representatives of popular science lecturers

Live presentation session

Activity site

据悉,The theme of this year's Social Science Popularization Week is "Keeping in mind exhortations, forging ahead with gratitude, Doing Good and achieving Good Results",Ten series of activities will be held, such as special lectures on science popularization, special lectures of municipal organs, and special activities of "Haijin Forum" science Popularization Week,During Social Science Popularization Week,The city has 16 districts, nearly 20 colleges and universities, and more than 50 social science popularization bases, 500多个街道、社区和村镇围绕学习贯彻习近平总书记视察天津重要讲话精神,Combine the important requirements of "four good deeds and good achievements",Carry out vivid publicity and popularization activities,把习近平总书记的关怀期望转化为强大精神动力、工作动力和发展动力。深入学习贯彻习近平文化思想,坚持以文化人、以文惠民、以文润城、以文兴业,开展广泛深入的文化研学活动,大力传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化,大力宣传推广“津派文化”,充分展现城市文化特色和精神气质。Focus on the development of new quality productivity and high-quality development "ten actions",We will extensively carry out targeted, crowdoriented and interactive propaganda aimed at the grassroots and the masses,Carry out various forms of vivid theme publicity,We will guide officials and the masses to increase their confidence and confidence in high-quality development,To strive to write a chapter of Chinese modern Tianjin, gather intellectual support, accumulate surging momentum, and provide powerful ideological protection and spiritual motivation。(Reviewer: Liu Bin)