The two-level Party Committee theoretical learning center group visited Tianjin Party Discipline learning and education thematic exhibition

Source: Party Committee Inspection Office  Author: GAO Xueliang Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-05-22 Views:

On the afternoon of May 21st,School Party secretary Zhang Ya,Ge Baozhen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of the university, led the members of the two-level Party Committee theoretical learning Center of the university to visit the special exhibition of Party discipline learning and education in Tianjin Museum,进一步深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于党的纪律建设的重要论述,In particular, important speeches and important instructions on Party discipline learning and education,Comprehensively understand the process of Party discipline construction,Promote Party discipline learning and education into the mind and heart, go deep and go solid。

During the tour,Party members and cadres around the theme of "always put discipline in front",By listening to the explanation of the scene, watching the historical objects and documents on display,From "pioneering and laying the foundation", "exploration and twists and turns", "recovery and development", "new era new journey" four parts,We have gained an in-depth understanding of our Party's practical exploration and valuable experience in strengthening discipline construction in various historical periods,More deeply realize that strict discipline is the glorious tradition and unique advantage of our Party's century-long struggle,More deeply realize our party's distinctive character of courage to self-revolution,The collective had a lively discipline education party lesson。

After the visit, the party members and cadres who participated in the learning activities said that through on-site learning, they further deeply realized the significance of Party discipline learning and education, and enhanced the high degree of consciousness of learning discipline, knowing discipline, Ming discipline, and keeping discipline。On a new journey,将始终坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,持续学深悟透习近平总书记关于党的自我革命的重要思想和关于加强党的纪律建设的重要论述,Inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the Party,Discipline learning as a compulsory course, regular courses,Integrate into the daily, catch in the often,Constantly strengthen the sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity,Always be loyal, clean and responsible,Provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for accelerating the construction of a strong education country and a strong education city,Take concrete actions to firmly uphold the "two establishment" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenance"。(Reviewer: Wang Linlin)