The school holds pre-job training for new teachers in 2024 and "Compulsory Course of Teacher Ethics" for principals

Source: Party Committee Teacher Work Department (Personnel Office, Teacher Development Center)  Author: Niu Na Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-09-26 Views:

为深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大精神,学习贯彻习近平总书记在全国教育大会上重要讲话精神和全国教育大会精神,Strengthen the new teachers' sense of belonging and mission of teaching and educating,On the afternoon of September 25th,The school will hold pre-service training for new teachers in 2024 and "Compulsory Course of Teacher Ethics" for principals in Room 404 of Teaching Building 4.。Ge Baozhen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and principal of the school, taught the compulsory course of teacher ethics for new teachers with the title of "Practicing the spirit of educators and being a good teacher in the new era"。Nearly 80 new teachers from all departments in the school participated。

葛宝臻带领新入职教师深入学习习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述,详细解读党的教育方针和习近平总书记在全国教育大会上的重要讲话精神。He points out,As young teachers in colleges and universities, we should not forget our original heart,Keep in mind the mission of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country,We should deeply understand and carry forward the spirit of educators,Adhere to the first standard of teachers' ethics and style,With more firm faith, more full of enthusiasm, more pragmatic style,Get involved in education,Strive to become a guide and guide for the healthy growth of students。

Ge Baozhen deeply and carefully interpreted the "Ten Guidelines for Professional Behavior of college Teachers in the New Era" and the "Regulations on the Punishment of Staff in public Institutions", taking the typical cases of teachers' ethics irregularities publicly exposed by the education system in recent years and the serious violations of teachers' ethics investigated and dealt with as negative textbooks, taking the case as a reference, so as to ring the alarm bell。He stresses,As a college teacher,We must strictly observe the bottom line of teachers' ethics,Compliance requirements,Firmly establish political awareness, legal awareness, and awareness of rules,Stick to the bottom line and do not cross the red line,Firm political direction,Conscientiously love one's country and abide by the law,Spread fine culture,Devote yourself to teaching,To achieve political strength, deep feelings, new thinking, broad career, self-discipline, and personality,We should take the initiative to integrate ideological and political elements into curriculum teaching,We will do a good job in personnel training,Strive to become the party and the people satisfied with the "four" good teacher。He also focused on the overall national security concept, from ideological security, network security, property security, personal and traffic safety and other aspects of the new teachers made explanations and reminders。

Ge Baozhen exchanged and shared with new teachers the methods and paths of education, scientific research and student work。He pointed out that as a college teacher, training students is the main responsibility, doing a good job in teaching is the first priority, and at the same time, it is necessary to coordinate the relationship between teaching and scientific research, organically combine the two, focus on the frontier research direction, do a good job in scientific research, and improve the level of education and teaching。He stressed that as a new teacher, we should cherish the opportunity to serve as a counselor and class teacher in the first year, care for students, strictly require students, be a good teacher and friend of students, constantly improve the ability and skills of teaching and educating people, and effectively assume the sacred mission of cultivating new people in the era of national rejuvenation。

All along, the school attaches great importance to the construction of teachers, adheres to the first standard of teachers' ethics, pays attention to the spiritual guidance of educators, and determines September every year as the demonstration month of teachers' ethics and manners。By carrying out a series of activities on the construction of teachers' ethics, we strive to build a team of high-quality professional teachers with noble ethics, exquisite business, reasonable structure and vitality。In this year's teacher ethics teacher wind construction demonstration month,It is guided by the principal teaching the compulsory course of teacher ethics for new teachers,Each second-level unit teaches compulsory courses of teacher ethics to all its staff and staff,Further guide the whole school staff to transform the educator spirit into consciousness of thought and action,Take the initiative to participate in the construction of education power,To accelerate the modernization of education, build a strong education country, and run a good education that the people are satisfied with。(Reviewed by An Jianye)